Select a term to view the definition:
  • N of 1 Randomized Controlled Trials

    Professional Description:

    "A single participant undertakes pairs of treatment periods in which they receive target treatment during one period of each pair and a placebo or alternative treatment during the other period. Patients and clinicians are blind to allocation, the order of the target and control is randomized."

    Source: Guyatt G, Rennie D. Users’ guides to the medical literature. Essentials of evidence-based clinical practice. AMA Press; 2002.

  • nadir

    Professional Description:

    The lowest blood glucose concentration on the curve.

  • National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

    Professional Description:

    National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, a survey conducted periodically by the National Center for Health Statistics, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

  • Natural Health Product

    Professional Description:

    In Canada the term "Natural Health Product" is used to refer to certain vitamins, minerals, herbal products, as well as several other items. In the United States the term "Dietary Supplement" is used rather than NHP. It is described by the U.S. Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994 as: products made of one or more of the essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals and protein, herbs or other botanicals and any dietary substance that can be used to supplement the diet.

  • Natural Product Number

    Professional Description:

    Natural Product Number is an eight (8) digit numerical code assigned to each natural health product approved to be marketed under the Natural Health Products Regulations.

  • negative correlation

    Professional Description:

    A relationship between two factors (called variables) where a positive change of one creates a negative change of the second.

  • Network analysis

    Professional Description:

    The use of "both direct comparisons of interventions within randomized controlled trials and indirect comparisons across trials based on a common comparator”.

    Source: https://training.cochrane.org/online-learning/cochrane-methodology/network-meta-analysis-nma [cited 2020 Apr 14]

  • Network Meta-analysis

    Professional Description:

    “a systematic review that allows the comparison of multiple interventions, including head-to-head evaluations at the same time as indirect comparisons, in a connected network of comparisons”.

    Source: JAMAevidence. JAMAevidence glossary. American Medical Association; 2021.

  • Neural Tube Defects

    Professional Description:

    The neural tube is the tube that forms from fusion of the neural folds from which the brain and spinal cord arise. Defects can occur during development of the brain and spinal cord eg. spina bifida

  • Neuroglycopenic Symptoms

    Professional Description:

    Symptoms manifested as a result of decreased glucose to the brain: difficulty concentrating, confusion, weakness, drowsiness, vision changes, difficulty speaking, headache, dizziness and tiredness.

  • Neutropenia

    Professional Description:

    A decrease in circulating neutrophils in the blood. Neutropenia is classified as mild (1000-1500/µL blood), moderate (500-1000/µL blood) or severe (<500/µL blood).

    Source: Taplitz RA, Kennedy EB, Bow EJ, Crews J, Gleason C, Hawley DK, et al. Antimicrobial Prophylaxis for Adult Patients With Cancer-Related Immunosuppression: ASCO and IDSA Clinical Practice Guideline Update. J Clin Oncol. 2018;36(30):3043-54. Epub 2018/09/05. doi: 10.1200/jco.18.00374. Abstract available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30179565

  • Neutrophil

    Professional Description:

    Neutrophil is a white blood cell that acts primarily to fight infections.

  • News Conference

    Professional Description:

    Prearranged gather of media representatives to announce and explain a significant and newsworthy subject or event.

  • News Release

    Professional Description:

    The most common written form used in public relations, announcing a client's news and information.

  • Newsworthy

    Professional Description:

    information that is new, unusual, unexpected, controversial or of wide significance or interest to the audience of a publication or program.

  • NHIS

    Professional Description:

    National Health Interview Survey, a survey conducted periodically by the National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U. S. Department of Health and Human Services.


    Professional Description:

    A NOAEL is the No Observed Adverse Effects Level, which would be the highest observed level of chronic intake that was NOT associated with development of the adverse effect in any of the individuals studied.

  • Nocturnal Hypoglycemia

    Professional Description:

    Hypoglycemic episodes that first occur during the night, usually defined as the period between midnight and 8 AM.

  • Nominal Data/Scales

    Professional Description:

    "This allows subjects to be classified with respect to some characteristic—pairs of categorical variables can be cross-classified to form a contingency table.
    Properties of a nominal scale:
    1. Data categories are mutually exclusive (an individual can belong to only one category).
    2. Data categories have no logical order – numbers may be assigned to categories but merely as convenient labels.
    A nominal scale classifies without the categories being ordered."

    Source: Everitt BS. Statistical methods for medical investigations. 2nd ed. New York: Halsted Press; 1994.

  • non modifiable risk factors

    Professional Description:

    factors which increase risk of a certain disease or disorder that are beyond the control of the individual. They include age, gender, ethnicity, family history

  • Non-diet

    Professional Description:

    Non-diet describes someone or something that does not use or promote intentional weight loss or dieting.

    Source: Marchessault G, Thiele K, Armit E, Chapman GE, Levy-Milne R, Barr SI. Canadian dietitians' understanding of non-dieting approaches in weight management. Can J Diet Pract Res. 2007 Summer;68(2):67-72. doi: 10.3148/68.2.2007.67. PMID: 17553191.

  • Normocytic

    Professional Description:

    Characterized by red blood cells that are normal in size and usually also in hemoglobin content

  • NPO

    Professional Description:

    Nothing by mouth

  • NRC

    Professional Description:

    National Research Council, the organization arm of the National Academies

  • Number Needed to Treat

    Professional Description:

    "The number of patients who need to be treated over a specific period of time to achieve one additional good outcome. When discussing NNT, it is important to specify the intervention, its duration, and the good outcome. It is the inverse of the absolute risk reduction (1/ARR)."

    Source: JAMA evidence. American Medical Association; 2014 Jun. Available from: http://www.jamaevidence.com/glossary.

  • Nutraceuticals

    Professional Description:

    Purified or isolated natural health products in medicinal form. For example, genistein isolated from fermented soy meal and sold in tablet form as a soy dietary supplement.

  • Nutramigen

    Professional Description:

    A hypoallergenic formula that contains extensively hydrolyzed or broken down casein. Originally intended for the treatment of food allergy in infants, it is also used for the prevention of allergy in high risk infants.

  • Nutrient Panels

    Professional Description:

    The nutrient panels are composed of scientists who are experts on one or more of the nutrients addressed by a panel.

  • Nutrient Requirement

    Professional Description:

    The lowest continuing intake level of a nutrient that will maintain a defined level of nutriture in a healthy individual; also called individual requirement.

  • Nutrition Screening

    Professional Description:

    The process of identifying characteristics known to be associated with dietary or nutritional problems. Its purpose is to differentiate individuals who are at high risk of nutritional problems or have poor nutritional status.

  • Nutritional Status

    Professional Description:

    Condition of an individual or group resulting from nutrient intake and utilization of a nutrient at the tissue level.

  • nutritionally-at-risk

    Professional Description:

    According to ASPEN guidelines, adults are considered at nutritional risk if they have any of the following:
    -actual or potential for developing malnutrition (involuntary loss or gain of ≥10% of usual body weight within six months or ≥ 5% of usual body weight in one month, a weight of 20% over or under ideal weight)
    -altered diets or diet schedules (receiving parenteral nutrition or enteral nutrition, recent surgery, illness or trauma)
    -inadequate nutrition intake, including not receiving food or nutrition products (impaired ability to ingest or absorb food adequately) for more than seven days

  • Nutrition-focused Physical Findings

    Professional Description:

    Are “findings from a nutrition-focused physical exam, interview, or the medical record including muscle and subcutaneous fat, oral health, suck/swallow/breathe ability, appetite, and affect”.

    Source: The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. eNCPT: electronic nutrition care process terminology 2020. Available from: http://www.ncpro.org