33 results for: Cardiovascular  filtered by: Professional - Trending Topics x

Cardiovascular Guideline Releases

2016-10-13 – Trending Topic

Promoting Cultural Competence Using a Heart Healthy Diet to Lower Cardiovascular Risk Factors

Cultural competence in dietetics is an important aspect of cultivating trust and connection with clients seeking to improve dietary outcomes. Dietary recommendations need to reflect the unique culture of individuals and population(s).

2022-08-15 – Trending Topic

Dairy Intake, Mortality and CVD - The Debate Continues

A PEN Trending Topic on dairy consumption and the impact on mortality and cardiovascular disease.

2018-10-15 – Trending Topic

Added Sugars and Cardiovascular Disease – Is There a New Cause for Concern?

A recent newsletter post from McGill University reviewed a U.K. study that concluded that consuming higher amounts of added sugars increased cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. This is an important topic with CVDs being the leading cause of death globally. The PEN Team decided to explore if a change in practice guidance is needed based on this study.

2023-03-14 – Trending Topic

Does Erythritol Consumption Add to Cardiovascular Risk?

A recent study examined erythritol and the risk of atherothrombotic disease. The PEN Team decided to continue the conversation, exploring whether the study findings suggest taking a closer look at the current practice guidance on sugar alcohols.

2023-03-29 – Trending Topic

Do Veggies Protect Your Heart? Recent Low Quality Evidence Questions Vegetables’ Value

A recent study observed that vegetable consumption was only minimally protective for incident cardiovascular disease. Media headlines subsequently reported that “eating veggies won't protect your heart”. The PEN Team thought an analysis of the study was needed to determine if any changes to current recommendations to “eat lots of vegetables” are required.

2022-03-10 – Trending Topic

Carbohydrate, Fat and Mortality

2018-01-03 – Trending Topic