180 results for: Cardiovascular Disease  filtered by: Consumer - Handouts x

Reducing Your Risk: for people of African and African Caribbean origin in the UK

A booklet developed by the British Heart Foundation providing information on looking after the heart and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease in African Caribbean communities.

  2019-07-09 – Handout

Reducing Your Risk: for people of South Asian origin in the UK

A consumer booklet developed by the British Heart Foundation providing information on looking after the heart and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease in South Asian communities.

  2019-07-09 – Handout

Reducing Salt Intake with Heart Failure

A fact sheet for consumers from Queensland Health, Nutrition Education Materials Online (NEMO) outlining the role of salt, how to reduce salt intake, and lower salt options in relation to cardiovascular disease.

  2020-11-30 – Handout

Heart Friendly High Protein High Energy (HEHP) Diet

A consumer fact sheet from Queensland Health, Nutrition Education Materials Online (NEMO) outlining the high protein, high energy foods and beverages for individuals with cardiovascular disease who need additional protein and energy.

  2020-03-23 – Handout

BDA Food Fact Sheet: Salt and Health

This British Dietetic Association (BDA) consumer handout provides information on salt and how to reduce dietary salt intakes.

  2021-07-15 – Handout

Heart UK: Mediterranean Diet

A consumer fact sheet published by Heart UK: The Cholesterol Charity providing information and guidance on the Mediterranean diet to improve heart health.

  2016-03-31 – Handout

Keep Your Heart Healthy

A consumer booklet developed by the British Heart Foundation providing information on how making lifestyle changes can reduce the risk of developing certain heart conditions.

  2019-02-27 – Handout

Mediterranean Diet Pyramid: A Lifestyle for Today

An English copy of the Mediterranean Diet Pyramid for adults (2010 edition), published by the Fundación Dieta Mediterránea.

2019-07-19 – Handout

BDA Food Fact Sheet: Fats

A food fact sheet from the British Dietetic Association (BDA) about fats and what food sources contain fat for good health.

  2021-12-20 – Handout

Fr: Trousse d’outils pour planifier des repas santé (Heart and Stroke Meal Planning Toolkit)

Three weeks of heart healthy, simple to prepare dinners in French from the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation. Based on the Mediterranean diet guidelines. A grocery list is provided for each week, along with a variety of recipe links.

  2022-01-24 – Handout