541 results for: Gastrointestinal System

Gastrointestinal System - Pediatric/Paediatric Summary of Recommendations and Evidence

A synthesis of the recommendations and evidence regarding gastrointestinal system - pediatrics/paediatrics.

  2021-03-24 – Summary of Recommendations and Evidence

Gastrointestinal System - Diverticular Disease Toolkit

This toolkit provides an overview of the Gastrointestinal System – Diverticular Disease Knowledge Pathways that includes key nutrition issues, nutrition assessment, monitoring and evaluation; diagnosis; intervention; and professional and client resources.

2022-04-10 – Practice Guidance Toolkit

Gastrointestinal System - Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Toolkit

This toolkit provides an overview of the Gastrointestinal System - Irritable Bowel Syndrome Knowledge Pathway that includes a description of the topic, key nutrition issues, nutrition assessment, diagnosis, intervention, monitoring/evaluation and client resources.

2024-11-12 – Practice Guidance Toolkit

Gastrointestinal System - Collagenous Sprue Summary of Recommendation and Evidence

A summary of the evidence related to gastrointestinal system and collagenous sprue.

  2020-09-16 – Summary of Recommendations and Evidence

Gastrointestinal System - Pediatric/Paediatric Constipation Practice Guidance Toolkit

This toolkit provides an overview of the Gastrointestinal System - Pediatric/Paediatric Constipation Knowledge Pathway that includes a description of the topic, key nutrition issues, nutrition assessment, intervention, nutrition monitoring/evaluation and client handouts.

2019-04-16 – Practice Guidance Toolkit

Gastrointestinal System - Ostomy Practice Guidance Toolkit

This toolkit provides an overview of the Gastrointestinal System - Ostomy Knowledge Pathway that includes a description of the topic, key nutrition issues, nutrition assessment, intervention and nutrition monitoring/evaluation and client resources.

2020-06-01 – Practice Guidance Toolkit

Gastrointestinal System - Postoperative Feeding

2022-01-06 – Knowledge Pathway

Gastrointestinal System - Gallbladder Disease

2023-07-25 – Knowledge Pathway

Gastrointestinal System - Ostomy

2021-02-02 – Knowledge Pathway