315 results for: Pediatric Health

Pediatric Nutrition Guidelines (Birth to Six Years) for Health Professionals

These Ontario Dietitians in Public Health (ODPH) guidelines provide information on nutrition and feeding and red flags for healthy, full-term infants to 6 years of age.

  2022-05-04 – Manual/Guide

WHO Growth Charts for Canada

World Health Organization growth charts, recommended by Dietitians of Canada, The Canadian Paediatric Society, the College of Family Physicians of Canada and Community Health Nurses of Canada for health professionals for monitoring individual Canadian children's growth. Growth charts were updated in 2014 and reviewed in 2019. Site includes links to resources for health professionals.

  2023-07-11 – Evaluation/Assessment Tool

Fr: Les courbes de croissance de I’OMS adaptees pour le Canada (WHO Growth Charts for Canada)

World Health Organization growth charts in French, recommended by Dietitians of Canada, The Canadian Paediatric Society, the College of Family Physicians of Canada and Community Health Nurses of Canada are for monitoring individual children’s growth in Canada. Charts updated in 2014 and reviewed in 2019. Site includes links to resources for health professionals.

  2023-07-11 – Evaluation/Assessment Tool

Fr: Les fluorures et la santé humaine (Fluoride and Human Health)

A French fact sheet from Health Canada for consumers that provides an overview on fluoride and human health.

  2022-12-23 – Handout

Fluoride and Human Health

A fact sheet from Health Canada for consumers that provides an overview on fluoride and human health.

  2022-12-23 – Handout

Energy Drink Consumption in Children and Adolescents: What’s Happening?

A recently published systematic review builds on a previous review examining the evidence of the physical effects of energy drink consumption on children and adolescents.

2024-02-12 – Trending Topic

Protecting Toddlers from Tooth Decay

A consumer fact sheet produced by the Infant and Toddler Forum (UK) providing advice and information on oral health in toddlers and protecting from tooth decay.

  2018-09-12 – Handout

Oral Health Summary of Recommendations and Evidence

A synthesis of the recommendations and evidence regarding oral health.

2023-05-01 – Summary of Recommendations and Evidence

Anaphylaxis in Schools and Other Settings. Third Edition

These Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology guidelines provide information on anaphylaxis for schools and other settings. Flip book version also available.

  2024-08-29 – Manual/Guide