Counselling Strategies

Pathway Contributor: Katherine Markwell


Doctor of Philosophy (Behavioural Nutrition for Obesity), BScHealth Science (Nutrition and Dietetics) Hons 2A & BSc Applied Science (Human Movement Studies) Hons 1st

Relevant Dietetic Experience and Accomplishments:

  • Programme Leader of UCLan MSc (Pre-Reg) Dietetics
  • Advisory Member of BDA Evidence Based Practice Group

Practice Focus:
Education, Obesity, Public Health, Behaviour Change

Affiliation Statement:
Whle not specific to the topic, I am a member of the BDA Evidence Based Practice Advisory Group who champions the use of PEN within the UK and recently conducted a session to help more people review. I have not received relevant funing, but am on a GCRF funding grant for food safety magement behaviour and covid in Mauritius at present. I have no other financial or other affiliations
