Credentials:RD, B.Sc.
What dietary or supplementation strategies can help prevent or treat iron deficiency among regular blood donors?
Role: Reviewer
Should iron-deficient individuals be screened for gastrointestinal disease?
What is the Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for iron and why?
What is the impact of calcium or dairy product intake on non-heme iron absorption and is there an effect on iron status among healthy adults?
What is the impact of tea and coffee consumption on non-heme iron absorption and is there an effect on iron status among healthy adults?
What foods/nutrients facilitate iron absorption and improve iron status?
What dietary strategies can support the treatment of iron deficiency in non-pregnant adults?
What foods and nutrients decrease iron absorption and inhibit iron status?
Hematology/Haematology - Anemia/Anaemia: Iron Deficiency Background
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Hematology/Haematology - Anemia/Anaemia: Iron Deficiency Toolkit
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