New Tools & Resources

There are many new and updated tools and resources added to the PEN System each month. Below is just a sampling.
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For Clients

How to Use Food Labels to Make Healthier Choices
Posted 2024-06-24
Fr: Comment utiliser l’étiquette des aliments pour faire des choix plus sains (How to Use Food Labels to Make Healthier Choices)
Posted 2024-06-24
Understanding the Date Labels on your Food
Posted 2024-06-24
Fr: Comprendre les dates indiquées sur les étiquettes de vos aliments (Understanding the Date Labels on your Food)
Posted 2024-06-24
Low-Iodine Diet
Posted 2024-04-08
Diet and Nutrition Health Advice - Enteral Nutrition
Posted 2024-03-08
Feeding into your Bloodstream (Parenteral Nutrition)
Posted 2024-03-08
Tube Feeding at Home Using Gravity (Container Method)
Posted 2024-03-08
Gluten-Free Diet and Gluten Related Disorders: Meal and Snack Ideas
Posted 2024-03-08
Fr: Le régime sans gluten et les troubles liés au gluten : Idées de repas et de collations (Gluten-Free Diet and Gluten Related Disorders: Meal and Snack Ideas)
Posted 2024-03-08
Gluten-Free Diet and Gluten-Related Disorders: Getting Started
Posted 2024-03-08
Fr: Le régime sans gluten et les troubles liés au gluten : pour commencer (Gluten-Free Diet and Gluten-Related Disorders: Getting Started)
Posted 2024-03-08
Gluten Free Diet and Gluten Related Disorders - Cross Contamination
Posted 2024-02-26
Fr: Le régime sans gluten et les troubles liés au gluten : Contamination croisée (Gluten Free Diet - Cross Contamination)
Posted 2024-02-26
Gluten Free Diet and Gluten Related Disorders – Meal Planning
Posted 2024-02-26
Fr: Le régime sans gluten et les troubles liés au gluten : Planification des repas (Gluten Free Diet – Meal Planning)
Posted 2024-02-26
Infographic: Understanding Supplemented Food Labels
Posted 2024-02-02
Fr: Infographie : Comprendre l’étiquetage des aliments supplémentés (Infographic: Understanding supplemented food lab)
Posted 2024-02-02
Eating Tips For Feeding your Toddler and Preschooler
Posted 2024-01-29
Fr: Conseils pour nourrir votre tout-petit ou votre enfant d’âge préscolaire (Eating Tips for Feeding your Toddler and Preschooler)
Posted 2024-01-29
Eat a Diet Rich in Whole Grains, Vegetables, Fruits and Beans
Posted 2024-01-17
Gluten-Free Food Guide for Children and Youth
Posted 2024-01-08
When Your Child is a Picky Eater
Posted 2023-12-22
Fr: Manger sainement chez les personnes diabétiques Afrique et Caraïbes (Healthy Eating with Diabetes – African and Caribbean)
Posted 2023-12-19
Ch: Healthy Eating with Diabetes – Simplified Chinese
Posted 2023-12-19

For Professionals

Teaching Canada’s Food Guide: Children’s and Adult’s Roles Around Food and Eating
Posted 2024-05-09
Fr: Enseigner le guide alimentaire canadien: Le rôle des enfants et des adultes en rapport avec la nourriture et l’alimentation (Teaching Canada’s Food Guide)
Posted 2024-05-09
Dietary Supplements for Exercise and Athletic Performance (Professional)
Posted 2024-05-09
Position Statement on Dietary Supplementation in Canadian Sport
Posted 2024-05-09
Pesticide Residues in Food
Posted 2024-04-10
Fr: Énoncé de position des DC sur l’insécurité alimentaire des ménages au Canada – Une Page (DC Position Statement on Household Food Insecurity in Canada – One Pager)
Posted 2024-03-27
Fr: Énoncé de position des Diététistes du Canada sur l’insécurité alimentaire des ménages au Canada (Dietitians of Canada Position Statement on Household Food Insecurity in Canada)
Posted 2024-03-27
Hospital Care: Integrated Nutrition Pathway for Acute Care (INPAC) Toolkit
Posted 2024-03-21
Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition (GLIM) Criteria for the Diagnosis of Malnutrition
Posted 2024-03-21
Safe Recipe Style Guide
Posted 2024-03-13
Fr: Guide de style pour des recettes sécuritaires (Safe Recipe Style Guide)
Posted 2024-03-13
Blenderized tube feedings: Practice recommendations from the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
Posted 2024-03-08