199 results for: Herbal Supplement

Supplements Associated with Liver Injury

2016-11-08 – Trending Topic

Fr: Bienvenue à la Base de données des produits de santé naturels homologués (Licensed Natural Health Products Database)

A French Health Canada database that includes information on licensed natural health products, such as vitamin and mineral supplements, herb and plant-based remedies, traditional medicines, omega 3 and essential fatty acids, probiotics and homeopathic medicines as well everyday consumer products, such as certain toothpastes, antiperspirants, shampoos, facial products and mouthwashes.

  2022-02-12 – Game/Quiz/Interactive Tool

Dietary Supplements - Can Consumers Trust What’s on the Label and in the Package?

The PEN Team thought a deeper look into mislabelled dietary supplement products might be a topic of interest to practitioners whose clients are, or are considering, taking dietary supplements.

2022-11-23 – Trending Topic

Using Herbal Medicines Safely

This UK NHS Choices fact sheet provides consumer advice for using herbal medicines, information on how they are regulated and advice on unlicensed products.

  2022-12-22 – Handout

Fr: Base de données d'ingrédients de produits de santé naturels (Natural Health Products Ingredients Database)

A French searchable database of approved natural health products from Health Canada containing medicinal and non-medicinal ingredients. Includes searches for ingredients and pre-cleared information - single ingredient and product monographs.

  2024-08-29 – Game/Quiz/Interactive Tool

Natural and Non-prescription Health Products - Health Canada Resources

Key resources for professionals from Health Canada about natural health products.

  2024-06-26 – Professional Education Tools