98 results for: Profile Help

Fr: Utiliser le régime DASH pour mieux réduire la tension artérielle (Using the DASH Diet to Help Lower Blood Pressure)

This French fact sheet titled Using the DASH Diet to Lower Blood Pressure is a summarized version of the National Institutes of Health DASH Diet resource (64 pages).

  2020-02-18 – Handout

Diabetes/Glucose Intolerance Practice Guidance Toolkit

This toolkit provides an overview of the Diabetes/Glucose Intolerance Knowledge Pathway that includes a description of the topic, key nutrition issues, nutrition assessment, nutrition intervention, nutrition monitoring/evaluation and additional resources.

2023-07-12 – Practice Guidance Toolkit

Nephrology - Chronic Kidney Disease with and without Dialysis Practice Guidance Toolkit

This toolkit provides an overview of the Chronic Kidney Disease Knowledge Pathway that includes a description of key nutrition issues, nutrition assessment, diagnosis, intervention, and monitoring/evaluation, and related resources.

2024-10-24 – Practice Guidance Toolkit

Gastrointestinal System - Pancreatitis Practice Guidance Toolkit

This toolkit provides an overview of the Pancreatitis Knowledge Pathway that includes a description of key nutrition issues, nutrition assessment, diagnosis, intervention, and monitoring/evaluation, and related resources.

2024-01-08 – Practice Guidance Toolkit

Wound Care and Pressure Injuries Practice Guidance Toolkit

This toolkit provides an overview of the Wound Care - Pressure Injuries Knowledge Pathway that includes key nutrition issues, nutrition assessment, nutrition diagnosis, nutrition intervention, and nutrition monitoring and evaluation.

2024-01-08 – Practice Guidance Toolkit

Diabetes/Glucose Intolerance Summary of Recommendations and Evidence

A synthesis of the recommendations and evidence regarding diabetes and glucose intolerance.

  2023-04-28 – Summary of Recommendations and Evidence

Diabetes - Dietary Supplements Summary of Recommendations and Evidence

A synthesis of the recommendations and evidence regarding dietary supplements and diabetes.

  2023-07-12 – Summary of Recommendations and Evidence

Hepatic Disorders Practice Guidance Toolkit

This toolkit provides an overview of the Hepatic Disorders Knowledge Pathway that includes a description of key nutrition issues, nutrition assessment, diagnosis, intervention, and monitoring/evaluation and related resources.

2023-04-24 – Practice Guidance Toolkit