324 results for: Sodium

Fr: L’apport en sodium chez les Canadiens en 2017 (Sodium Intake of Canadians in 2017)

A downloadable report in French from Health Canada providing information about sodium and health, sodium reduction in Canada, and Health’s Canada’s action to date.

  2018-09-04 – Research Report/Paper

Fr: Sources alimentaires de sodium (Food Sources of Sodium)

A resource that lists amounts of sodium in different foods.

  2019-10-24 – Handout

Fr: Dépisteur du sodium (Sodium Detector)

An interactive consumer tool in French from Health Canada to find out the amount of sodium in a variety of foods.

  2021-07-15 – Other

Sodium Intake of Canadians in 2017

A downloadable report from Health Canada providing information about sodium and health, sodium reduction in Canada, and Health’s Canada’s action to date.

  2018-09-04 – Research Report/Paper

Food Sources of Sodium

A resource that lists amounts of sodium in different foods.

  2019-10-24 – Handout

DRI Updates for Sodium and Potassium

2019-03-11 – Trending Topic

Vi: Food Sources of Sodium

A resource that lists amounts of sodium in different foods.

  2019-10-24 – Handout

Fr: Lignes directrices sur une saine alimentation à faible teneur en sodium (Healthy Eating Guidelines for Lower Sodium Eating)

Information to help consumers make lower sodium choices by reducing highly processed foods, reading food labels, during cooking and food preparation, and eating out.

  2019-06-17 – Handout

Healthy Eating Guidelines for Lower Sodium Eating

Information to help consumers make lower sodium choices by reducing highly processed foods, reading food labels, during cooking and food preparation, and eating out.

  2019-06-17 – Handout