79 results for: Students

Simulation Based Education - Professional Entry Student Education and Training

A report from the Australian Health Education and Training Institute (HETI) summarizing the recent research findings on the benefits and most effective methods of using simulation training for students.

  2018-01-29 – Research Report/Paper

Dietetics Education and Training Background

Background information regarding dietetics education and training.

       2018-02-12 – Background

Dietetic Education and Preceptorship Web Links

A collection of websites, including courses, related to dietetic education, training and preceptoring of dietetic students/interns/stagiaires.

   2020-01-22 – Website

Dietetic Education and Training Summary of Recommendations and Evidence

A synthesis of the recommendations and evidence regarding dietetic education and training.

2018-02-21 – Summary of Recommendations and Evidence

Preceptoring and Mentoring Summary of Recommendations and Evidence

A synthesis of the recommendations and evidence regarding preceptoring and mentoring in dietetics.

2017-08-08 – Summary of Recommendations and Evidence