564 results for: handouts

PEN Handout Collection - Nutrition Over the Lifespan

A collection of PEN handouts regarding nutrition over the lifespan.

  2018-11-26 – Handout Collection

PEN Handout Collection - Pediatrics

A collection of PEN handouts regarding pediatrics.

  2018-11-26 – Handout Collection

PEN Handout Collection - Food Sources and Nutrients

A collection of PEN client handouts regarding food sources.

  2018-11-26 – Handout Collection

PEN Handout Collection - Health Conditions

A collection of PEN client handouts for a variety of health conditions.

  2022-08-24 – Handout Collection

PEN Handout Collection - Healthy Lifestyle

A collection of PEN handouts for clients regarding healthy living.

  2018-11-26 – Handout Collection

Healthy Lifestyle Guidelines to Reduce Cancer Risk Consumer Handout

A consumer handout from the Regional Cancer Program Hôpital régional de Sudbury Regional Hospital that provides food, nutrition and physical activity recommendations and information regarding reducing cancer risk or the recurrence of cancer.

2009-06-15 – Handout

Fr: Migraines : Recommandations en matière d’alimentation (Migraine Headaches: Eating Guidelines)

A client handout in French providing healthy eating guidelines for people who suffer migraine headaches.

  2017-11-06 – Handout

Migraine Headaches: Eating Guidelines

A client handout providing healthy eating guidelines for people who suffer migraine headaches.

  2017-10-20 – Handout

Information on Cleansing Diets

This PEN client handout provides information on cleansing diets.

  2022-06-28 – Handout

Fr: Renseignements sur les cures de nettoyage (Information on Cleansing Diets)

This French PEN client handout provides information on cleansing diets.

  2022-06-28 – Handout