PEN Year in Review
Posted: 2019-05-24
Read about the year PEN has had: PEN Year in Review 2018
Reviewers Needed!
Posted: 2019-05-24
are currently looking for reviewers for these topics:
Cystic Fibrosis May 2019
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus May 2019
Vegetarianism June 2019
Gerontology Summer 2019
Dementia Fall 2019
review is an important part of PEN content development. PEN Reviewers are involved
in providing feedback on new and updated PEN content including knowledge
pathways, practice questions, backgrounds and Trending Topics.
perspectives are essential in the review process, including those of
practitioners and academics from different areas in the country and the world.
You can review one practice question or background or an entire knowledge
pathway. It is a great way to volunteer and many regulatory bodies recognize
PEN reviewing as continuing education credits.
So, what do you need to be a PEN Reviewer? Take a look at this short presentation. You need to have interest and
some time, which can range from a few hours to many hours, depending on how
much time you wish to contribute. We provide guidance and training in how to
become a PEN Reviewer.
are currently more than 300 PEN Reviewers. We would love for you to join this
group and share your expertise and energy. For more information, contact http://www.pennutrition.com/BecomeAuthor.aspx
Our 200th Knowledge Pathway!
Posted: 2018-11-07
The PEN Team is thrilled to announce that our 200th Knowledge Pathway - Outcomes of Dietitian Interventions is now published! Check it out here.
The PEN® Search Strategy
Posted: 2018-04-11
Do you ever read a Practice Question in PEN and wonder: What was the time period of the literature search? or Where did the author find the evidence? or Why wasn’t that article included?
One of the most critical parts of providing an evidence-based answer is conducting a literature review. To do a rigorous literature review, a search strategy is needed. Every PEN Practice Question begins with a search strategy. This search strategy tells reviewers and the PEN Team:
- what search terms were used
- what databases and grey literature sources (e.g.
international guidelines) were searched
- what reviews
or studies were excluded and why
- what
is the time frame for the search.
This information has always been a valuable part of our internal files. Going forward, the PEN Team is adding Search Strategies to the PEN website for new and updated Practice Questions so that PEN users can avail of them. You can see the Search Strategy underneath some Practice Question titles now, as in this example: Should omega-3 fatty acids (fish or plant-based food or supplements) be recommended for primary or secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD)?
We hope
you find this new resource helpful in your evidence-based work.
PEN Year in Review
Posted: 2018-02-10
Check out our PEN Year in Review Infographic for an overview of the 2017 highlights.
Click here for full Infographic: https://www.pennutrition.com/resources/Whats_New/PENYearinReview2017.pdf
Holiday Greetings from the International PEN Team!
Posted: 2017-12-13
PEN Background Document Survey
Posted: 2017-10-20
The PEN Team needs your feedback. We are always enhancing the PEN® System. Please help us by completing the PEN Background Document Survey. On the PEN Homepage, please log in and scroll down to the survey box:
Click on the survey box and you will see just
one question to answer. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
PEN Pop-up Surveys...We Need Your Valuable Feedback
Posted: 2017-08-09
The PEN Team is asking for user feedback on a number of PEN Toolkits and Background documents. Once you click on certain Toolkit and Background titles you will be asked to complete a very short survey. The survey opens in a new window so you can continue to look at the content and then complete the survey. Please say Yes to the Survey!
Welcome members of PNDS
Posted: 2017-05-24
پاکستان غذائیت اور تغذیاتی سوسائٹی کے اراکین کو خوش آمدید
Welcome to the Pakistan Nutrition and Dietetic Society
New PEN Video Tutorials Available!
Posted: 2017-04-13
New PEN Video Tutorials are now available on the following topics:
Introduction to PEN and Knowledge Pathways
Getting to Know Knowledge Pathways
Introduction to Practice Guidance Toolkits
Using PEN Tools and Resources
These tutorials are available in English, with subtitles available in French. Subtitles in Spanish and Japanese are coming soon. Check out the tutorials and learn tips to enhance your PEN experience.
First GRADE Practice Question Posted!
Posted: 2017-01-11
The PEN® Team is excited to provide an update on the use of GRADE in the PEN System. The first GRADE Practice Question was published on November 23, 2016 - Is a reduced saturated fat diet recommended for primary or secondary cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention? There are a number of GRADE Practice Questions in development; some of which will be published in the very near future. Check for updates on new and updated content in the New Knowledge Pathway Content section on the PEN home page.
PEN navigation now available in French!
Posted: 2016-10-27
Il est maintenant possible de consulter PEN® en utilisant un système de navigation en français. L’ensemble du contenu ainsi que les guides de pratique demeurent en anglais.Voir comment y accéder - Cliquez ici
PEN navigation is now available in French with the content remaining still mostly in English. See how to access it - click here
The PEN Team Very Active at the Congress of Dietetics in Spain
Posted: 2016-09-28
Members of the PEN Team were at the International Congress of Dietetics (ICD) in Spain. In addition to meeting and dialoguing with delegates at the PEN booth, team members were also conference presenters and even won an award! Check out the key highlights from Spain's ICD here.
Thank you, Merci, Arigatou, Gracias to our Volunteers!
Posted: 2016-06-02
PEN would not be the growing international database it is without the valuable support and input from our amazing volunteers. See who participated the past three months: PEN eNews 5(6) April 2016.
New PEN® Website!
Posted: 2016-04-11
The new look of our PEN® website! You will enjoy the same quality of evidence reviews, Trending Topics, client handouts and professional resources - but through a new and enhanced design!
And it’s responsive, meaning it will flex to accommodate different screen sizes so you can use PEN on your phone or tablet device.
Please use the New PEN Website Feedback button to provide your feedback.
HON Certification
Posted: 2016-04-09
We are pleased to announce the PEN System was recertified with the Health-On-the-Net (HON) group.