Allergic Disease - Low Risk Infant

Related Tools & Resources

In addition to tools/resources developed specifically by the PEN® team or its partner associations (see PEN Handout Collections which includes translations and adaptations where available), links to tools/resources on external websites have been selected for this Knowledge Pathway based on their consistency with the evidence, authoritative source and currency. These external tools/resources are provided as sources of additional information believed to be reliable and accurate at the time of publication and should not be considered an endorsement of any information, service, product or company. Country-specific resources may not be totally consistent with the evidence presented in PEN, but are included to reflect current country guidelines and practice.

  • Allergy-Focused Diet History Paediatric Version

    Last Reviewed: 2022-07-26Evaluation/Assessment Tool  

    This European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) diet history tool can assist health professionals with the diagnosis and best practices for infants and children with suspected food allergy. It will assist users in determining if further nutritional intervention is required.

     Target Audience: Professional

  • BDA Food Fact Sheet: Milk Allergy

    Last Updated: 2021-10-29Handout  

    A consumer food fact sheet providing practical tips for cutting out milk for people with a milk allergy or intolerance.

     Target Audience: Consumer

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