Click on the Practice Question to view the synthesis of the literature and the practice guidance or recommendation.
Q: What is the recommended weight gain in pregnancy?
Q: What impact does Ramadan fasting during pregnancy have on infant and maternal health?
Q: What is the clinical evidence describing the safety of a very low carbohydrate (20-50 g/day) ketogenic diet during pregnancy?
Q: Are rich food sources of vitamin A (e.g. cod/fish liver oil, liver, fortified foods) safe to consume in any amount during pregnancy?
Q: Are there safety concerns for the ingestion of fish in individuals who are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or lactating related to mercury contamination?
Q: Are there any concerns regarding the consumption of offal (i.e. organ meats such as stomach, kidney, gizzard) in pregnancy?
Q: What is the impact of caffeine intake in pregnancy and lactation?
Q: Is any amount of alcohol safe to consume during pregnancy?
Q: Is soy safe to take during pregnancy or the preconception period?
Q: Is flaxseed (ground flax, flaxseed oil, flaxseed oil capsules) safe to consume during pregnancy?
Q: Are there adverse effects of high protein diets (including protein powder supplements, collagen) or amino acid supplements in pregnant and lactating individuals?
Q: Does the maternal consumption of nitrates during pregnancy (including cured meats containing sodium nitrate) increase health risks in infants and children?
Q: Are there any specific considerations with regard to the use of sweeteners (e.g. nonnutritive, artificial, sugar substitutes, intense, low calorie) in pregnancy/lactation?
Q: Are there any specific considerations with regard to the use of sugar alcohols as sweeteners in pregnancy/lactation?
Q: What are the indications for the use of vitamin/mineral supplements during pregnancy?
Q: What source(s) and type(s) of calcium are recommended during pregnancy?
Q: What is the effect of increasing omega-3 fatty acid intake during pregnancy?
Q: What are the nutritional needs of an individual who is pregnant and breastfeeding an older child? Are there any nutritional concerns for individuals having closely spaced pregnancies?
Q: What herbal beverages/supplements are safe to take during pregnancy and lactation?
Q: What is the efficacy and safety of herbal medicines used for inducing or shortening labour?
Q: Does the conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content of the diet alter fetal development (length of gestation, birth weight and length)?
Q: Are pregnant women more at risk for serious health outcomes when exposed to foodborne pathogens than non-pregnant women or men? If so, what steps should be taken to reduce the risk of foodborne illness?
Q: In pregnant women at high risk of low birth weight (e.g. low income or other at-risk groups), what interventions are effective in preventing low birth weight?
Q: Do women without diabetes who experience hypoglycemia during pregnancy (e.g. following oral glucose tolerance testing) have a greater incidence of adverse perinatal outcomes than those who do not experience hypoglycemia? What dietary recommendations can be of benefit?
Q: What factors are associated with postpartum weight retention?
Q: Does dietitian involvement affect birth outcomes (e.g. birth weight, preterm birth, infant mortality) during pregnancy?