6 results for: Breastfeeding  filtered by: Target Country - Ireland x

Protecting, Promoting and Supporting Breastfeeding in Facilities Providing Maternity and Newborn Services

These WHO guidelines provide professionals with evidence-based recommendations on protecting, promoting and supporting breastfeeding including establishing breastfeeding, feeding practices and needs of infants and creating an enabling environment.

          2022-05-10 – Manual/Guide

International Infant and Child (Breast, Formula and Complementary Feeding) Guidelines Collection

An international collection of nutrition guidelines and policy/position statements related to feeding infants and children.

        2022-05-04 – Practice Guideline

International Dietary Guideline Collection

A collection of dietary guidelines.

         2021-01-11 – Practice Guideline

International Child Growth Charts Collection

An international collection of commonly used growth charts for children.

       2023-07-11 – Practice Guideline

International Alcohol Guideline Collection

A collection of guidelines related to alcohol.

        2023-09-25 – Practice Guideline

Diet Composition - Ketogenic Diet Summary of Recommendations and Evidence

A synthesis of the recommendations and evidence regarding the ketogenic diet.

          2021-10-20 – Summary of Recommendations and Evidence