6 results for: Practice Challenges  filtered by: Professional - Trending Topics x

+New Chat: Artificial Intelligence and Dietetic Practice

How accurate is ChatGPT in giving nutrition information and recommendations? Read to the end to fully find out!

2023-08-28 – Trending Topic

Dietary Supplements - Can Consumers Trust What’s on the Label and in the Package?

The PEN Team thought a deeper look into mislabelled dietary supplement products might be a topic of interest to practitioners whose clients are, or are considering, taking dietary supplements.

2022-11-23 – Trending Topic

Does a Vegetarian Eating Pattern Affect a Child’s Nutrition Status and Growth?

A 2022 paper, Vegetarian Diet, Growth, and Nutrition in Early Childhood: a Longitudinal Cohort Study, has gained traction on social media. The PEN Team took a closer look at the study to assess if the current PEN recommendations related to children and vegetarian eating are up to date with this latest evidence.

2022-05-20 – Trending Topic

What’s the latest on The Dirty Dozen?

The American not-for-profit Environmental Working Group (EWG) has recently published an updated 2024 Dirty Dozen, which lists the fruit and vegetables most contaminated with pesticides. The EWG maintains that children are most likely to be susceptible to pesticide exposure and related health consequences, which has led to the American Academy of Pediatrics listing the Dirty Dozen as a resource for information on pesticide residues in produce.

2024-04-22 – Trending Topic