Carbs & Cals
Carbs and Cals site, supported by Diabetes UK, provides photos of food portions and their related nutritional information. This is provided in book or app format.
2020-11-09 –
Fenton Preterm Growth Charts
This web page has growth charts to monitor the growth of preterm infants. The growth charts accommodate the World Health Organizations Growth Standard, reflecting actual age of the infant, instead of completed weeks. The web page includes charts for boys and girls, an actual-age calculator, a size for gestational-age calculator, bulk calculator, phone app and background literature. Available in English, French, Croatian, Greek, Polish, Spanish and Arabic.
2023-05-17 – Evaluation/Assessment Tool
This website developed by the DIET@NET (DIETary Assessment Tools NETwork) partnership and funded by the UK Medical Research Council (MRC) provides guidance and access to validated interactive, international dietary assessment tools and best practice guidelines.
2023-06-08 –
Evaluation/Assessment Tool
European Food Information Resource (EuroFIR)
EuroFIR is an international, member-based non-profit association with the aim to ensure sustained advocacy for food information in Europe. Its purpose is to develop and publish food composition information and promote international cooperation and harmonisation of standards to improve data quality, storage and access.
2023-06-06 –