167 results for: Dietetic Practice

The Integrated Competencies for Dietetic Education and Practice

Version 3.0 entry-to-practice standard for registered dietitians in Canada developed by the Partnership for Dietetic Education and Practice (PDEP).

  2020-10-15 – Professional Education Tools

Research Methods in Dietetic Practice Background

Background information regarding research methods in dietetic practice.

  2022-01-28 – Background

+New Chat: Artificial Intelligence and Dietetic Practice

How accurate is ChatGPT in giving nutrition information and recommendations? Read to the end to fully find out!

2023-08-28 – Trending Topic

Fr: Les compétences intégrées pour l'enseignement et la pratique de la diététique (Integrated Competencies for Dietetic Education and Practice)

French version 3.0 entry-to-practice standard for registered dietitians in Canada developed by the Partnership for Dietetic Education and Practice (PDEP).

  2020-11-18 – Practice Guideline

Improving Your Effectiveness by Focusing on the Quality of Your Dietetic Practice

An article from the College of Dietitians of Ontario that provides information for dietitians about how to use quality improvement for enhanced effectiveness.

  2022-01-19 – Newsletter Article/Journal

Dietetic Practice and the Effects of Climate Change on the Global Food Supply

Based on a United Nations (UN) report, as the climate changes, food will become more expensive, scarcer and even less nutritious. People across the globe have already started to adapt what food they eat based on what’s available, accessible and acceptable to them.

2022-09-15 – Trending Topic

Competencies for Dysphagia Assessment and Management in Dietetic Practice

Competencies required for safe, ethical, and effective practice in dysphagia related-care developed by the Alliance of Canadian Dietetic Regulatory Bodies in June 2017.

  2017-07-26 – Practice Guideline

Fr: Compétences en évaluation et gestion de la dysphagie dans l’exercice de la diététique (Competencies for Dysphagia Assessment and Management in Dietetic Practice)

Competencies in French required for safe, ethical, and effective practice in dysphagia related-care developed by the Alliance of Canadian Dietetic Regulatory Bodies in June 2017.

  2017-07-26 – Practice Guideline

Telehealth/Teledietetics Background

Background information regarding telehealth/teledietetics.

  2021-10-20 – Background