115 results for: PEN Applied

U.S. Report of Heavy Metals in Manufactured Infant Foods

A U.S. report finds heavy metals in manufactured infant foods. Should we be concerned? Are heavy metals present in infant foods at unsafe levels? What should dietitians be advising parents to do? The PEN Team went looking for answers.

2021-03-02 – Trending Topic

Research Methods in Dietetic Practice Background

Background information regarding research methods in dietetic practice.

  2022-01-28 – Background

Hematology/Haematology - Anemia/Anaemia: Iron Deficiency Toolkit

This toolkit provides an overview of the Hematology/Haematology Anemia/Anaemia – Iron Deficiency Pathway that includes a description of the topic, key nutrition issues, nutrition assessment, intervention, nutrition monitoring/evaluation and client resources.

2023-10-25 – Practice Guidance Toolkit

Cardiovascular Disease Practice Guidance Toolkit

This toolkit provides an overview of the Cardiovascular Disease Knowledge Pathway that includes a description of the topic, key nutrition issues, nutrition assessment, intervention, nutrition monitoring/evaluation and client handouts.

2023-09-14 – Practice Guidance Toolkit

Hematology/Haematology - Anemia/Anaemia: Iron Deficiency Summary of Recommendations and Evidence

A synthesis of the recommendations and evidence regarding anemia and iron deficiency.

  2023-10-20 – Summary of Recommendations and Evidence

Cancer Practice Guidance Toolkit

This toolkit provides an overview of the Cancer and Cancer-related Knowledge Pathways that includes key nutrition issues, nutrition assessment, monitoring and evaluation, nutrition diagnosis, nutrition intervention, client and professional resources.

2023-11-21 – Practice Guidance Toolkit

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Practice Guidance Toolkit

This toolkit provides an overview of the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Knowledge Pathway that includes a description of the topic, key nutrition issues, nutrition assessment, intervention, nutrition monitoring/evaluation and client handouts.

2023-04-28 – Practice Guidance Toolkit

Cancer - Neutropenia Practice Guidance Toolkit

This toolkit provides an overview of the Cancer - Neutropenia Knowledge Pathway that includes a description of the topic, key nutrition issues, nutrition assessment, diagnosis, intervention, nutrition monitoring/evaluation and client resources.

2021-05-04 – Practice Guidance Toolkit

Food Safety - Agriculture and Fisheries Summary of Recommendations and Evidence

A synthesis of the recommendations and evidence regarding food safety, agriculture and fisheries.

2023-05-01 – Summary of Recommendations and Evidence