List of Permitted Sweeteners
A list from Health Canada of permitted sweeteners (food additives) available in Canada.
2021-07-22 –
Intense Sweeteners
Information from Food Standards Australia New Zealand highlighting background information for all approved sweeteners as well as labelling requirements for intense sweeteners.
2021-09-14 –
Sweeteners and Cancer Risk – Is There a Strong Association?
A recent large cohort study examining artificial sweetener intake with cancer risk concluded that artificial sweeteners were associated with increased cancer risk. This has important implications for practice, given the wide range use of sweeteners in foods and beverages and the frequency that these foods and beverages are consumed.
2022-04-13 – Trending Topic
Alternative Sweeteners
This pamphlet from Diabetes Australia provides information on nutritive and non-nutritive sweeteners and modified sugars and sugar/sweetener blends.
2023-03-09 –