Child Feeding Guide
This website from the Child Feeding Guide, Loughborough University provides parents and professionals with strategies and tools to deal with fussy eating and make mealtimes pleasant.

2023-03-21 –
How and What to Feed Children is Important (Video)
Short, one minute video developed for parents about the importance of how and what to feed their preschooler. Developed by a multi-stakeholder group including Dietitians of Canada, Alberta Health Services and with input from physicians and community stakeholders. Produced by Shadow Light Productions.

2023-02-02 –
Raising Our Healthy Kids - Preschool Nutrition
One to two minute videos for parents and childcare providers on preschool nutrition developed by a multi-stakeholder group including Dietitians of Canada, Alberta Health Services and with input from physicians and community stakeholders. Produced by Shadow Light Productions.

2023-11-28 –
Eating Well Early Years – First Steps Nutrition Trust
A variety of resources from Information from First Steps Nutrition Trust that support eating well in the early years. Includes access to resources to support infants and children on a vegan diet, packed lunch ideas and portion sizes for 1-4 year olds.

2022-05-11 –
Client Education Tools
Patience Works Better than Pressure (Video)
Short, one minute video developed for parents about being patient when their preschooler when offering new foods. Developed by a multi-stakeholder group including Dietitians of Canada, Alberta Health Services and with input from physicians and community stakeholders. Produced by Shadow Light Productions.

2023-02-17 –
Make Meals and Memories Together (Video)
Short, one minute video developed for parents about how to make meals memorable for your preschooler. Developed by a multi-stakeholder group including Dietitians of Canada, Alberta Health Services and with input from physicians and community stakeholders. Produced by Shadow Light Productions.

2023-02-02 –
Offer Healthy Meals and Snacks (Video)
Short, one minute video developed for parents about how to offer your preschooler healthy meals and snacks. Developed by a multi-stakeholder group including Dietitians of Canada, Alberta Health Services and with input from physicians and community stakeholders. Produced by Shadow Light Productions.

2023-02-02 –
Role Model Healthy Eating (Video)
Short, one minute video developed for parents how to role model healthy eating. Developed by a multi-stakeholder group including Dietitians of Canada, Alberta Health Services and with input from physicians and community stakeholders. Produced by Shadow Light Productions.

2023-02-02 –
Eating Together (Video)
Short, one minute video developed for parents about eating together with their preschoolers. Developed by a multi-stakeholder group including Dietitians of Canada, Alberta Health Services and with input from physicians and community stakeholders. Produced by Shadow Light Productions.

2023-02-02 –