22 results for: Dietetic  filtered by: Professional - Trending Topics x

+New Chat: Artificial Intelligence and Dietetic Practice

How accurate is ChatGPT in giving nutrition information and recommendations? Read to the end to fully find out!

2023-08-28 – Trending Topic

Dietetic Practice and the Effects of Climate Change on the Global Food Supply

Based on a United Nations (UN) report, as the climate changes, food will become more expensive, scarcer and even less nutritious. People across the globe have already started to adapt what food they eat based on what’s available, accessible and acceptable to them.

2022-09-15 – Trending Topic

Microbiome Study

2018-05-18 – Trending Topic

Mis-Dis Information: Keeping Focused on Evidence-informed Nutrition Practice Recommendations for Autism Spectrum Disorder

The rise in mis- and disinformation throughout and following the COVID-19 global pandemic is well documented. Social media has intensified the rapid spread of misinformation to the public about nutrition and health, which has implications for dietetic professionals.

2023-07-20 – Trending Topic

Low Calorie/Energy Restriction to Promote Type 2 Diabetes Remission - Is There Truth to This?

Recently posted in U.K. university news, the use of low calorie diets by individuals of South Asian ethnicity promoted weight loss, resulting in the remission of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Similar postings about T2DM remission have been seen on various social networks, often relating to the DiRECT Trial (Diabetes Remission Clinical Trial), as well as new related clinical practice guidelines in Canada. The PEN Team conducted a quick review of these studies to assess their application to dietetic practice.

2023-01-09 – Trending Topic

An Update on Taxation and Sugar-Sweetened Beverages

The PEN Team is currently reviewing the evidence on the health impact of SSB intake on adults and children, anticipating publication in 2022. In the interim, here is a look at the positions of the partnering PEN countries related to SSB taxation.

2021-11-08 – Trending Topic

Immunity, Nutrition and COVID-19

2020-04-01 – Trending Topic

The Bulletproof Diet

2016-02-04 – Trending Topic