School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme
This Department of Health (UK) webpage provides information to parents and schools on The School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme that promotes increasing fruit and vegetable consumption in children.
2018-08-23 –
Are You Packing a Healthy Lunch?
This Public Health Agency (UK) booklet is designed to improve school age childrens’ nutrition and implement healthier eating and drinking practices. It contains practical tips for parents, carers and children on how to pack an appetising, healthy lunchbox.
2019-06-01 –
Healthy Hydration in Children 4 -13
This fact sheet for consumers from the British Nutrition Foundation provides parents with guidance on the amount of fluid and the healthy beverages to provide to children aged 4 to 13 years.
2021-12-15 –
Physical Activity Guidelines – United Kingdom
Gov.UK provides physical activity guidelines and reviews for all age groups, people with physical disabilities, pregnancy and women after childbirth.
2022-05-09 –
Client Education Tools
BDA Food Fact Sheet: Sugar
A consumer fact sheet from the British Dietetic Association (BDA) about the different forms of sugar, how much is recommended in the diet and the risks of consuming too much.
2022-01-21 –
UK-WHO Growth Charts, 0-18 Years
This Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) website provides information for professionals on growth charts for children in the UK. Included are downloadable charts for early years 0-4 years and school aged 2-18 years.
2023-07-11 –
Evaluation/Assessment Tool