70 results for: Dietary  filtered by: Professional - Trending Topics x

Dietary Supplements - Can Consumers Trust What’s on the Label and in the Package?

The PEN Team thought a deeper look into mislabelled dietary supplement products might be a topic of interest to practitioners whose clients are, or are considering, taking dietary supplements.

2022-11-23 – Trending Topic

USDA Dietary Guidelines

The 2020-2025 USDA Dietary Guidelines were released on December 29, 2020.

2021-01-12 – Trending Topic

Promoting Cultural Competence Using a Heart Healthy Diet to Lower Cardiovascular Risk Factors

Cultural competence in dietetics is an important aspect of cultivating trust and connection with clients seeking to improve dietary outcomes. Dietary recommendations need to reflect the unique culture of individuals and population(s).

2022-08-15 – Trending Topic

Anti-inflammatory Diets and Health

Dietitians are receiving client questions about anti-inflammatory diets that have made headlines in recent months and years. Questions focus on including anti-inflammatory foods in everyday dietary patterns to promote overall health and protect against chronic diseases.

2023-01-30 – Trending Topic