Trending Topics
…a hot take on a trending topic
Trending Topics articles are published in timely response to recent media and journal articles, position statements, clinical guidelines, etc. Since they are based on the most recent evidence/publications, they may not be consistent with PEN evidence in other PEN content areas. As soon as possible, when this occurs, the PEN content will be reviewed and updated as needed.
Anti-nutrients: Should They Be Avoided?
Should individuals avoid anti-nutrients, and the plants that bear them? Two dietetic practicum students along with the PEN® Team revisited the topic of anti-nutrients from a previous Trending Topic on Lectins to try to answer this question.
Posted: 2024-07-08
What’s the latest on The Dirty Dozen?
The American not-for-profit Environmental Working Group (EWG) has recently published an updated 2024 Dirty Dozen, which lists the fruit and vegetables most contaminated with pesticides. The EWG maintains that children are most likely to be susceptible to pesticide exposure and related health consequences, which has led to the American Academy of Pediatrics listing the Dirty Dozen as a resource for information on pesticide residues in produce.
Posted: 2024-04-22
Can Prescribing Produce Help Manage Type 2 Diabetes?
Can prescribing ‘food as medicine’ have a positive effect on health outcomes, health care costs and health-related quality of life? A recent U.S. study that looked at the impact of implementing a fruit and vegetable prescription program for adults living with diabetes and food insecurity might provide some answers.
Posted: 2023-08-21