Trending Topics
…a hot take on a trending topic
Trending Topics articles are published in timely response to recent media and journal articles, position statements, clinical guidelines, etc. Since they are based on the most recent evidence/publications, they may not be consistent with PEN evidence in other PEN content areas. As soon as possible, when this occurs, the PEN content will be reviewed and updated as needed.
Does a Vegetarian Eating Pattern Affect a Child’s Nutrition Status and Growth?
A 2022 paper, Vegetarian Diet, Growth, and Nutrition in Early Childhood: a Longitudinal Cohort Study, has gained traction on social media. The PEN Team took a closer look at the study to assess if the current PEN recommendations related to children and vegetarian eating are up to date with this latest evidence.
Posted: 2022-05-20
Do Veggies Protect Your Heart? Recent Low Quality Evidence Questions Vegetables’ Value
A recent study observed that vegetable consumption was only minimally protective for incident cardiovascular disease. Media headlines subsequently reported that “eating veggies won't protect your heart”. The PEN Team thought an analysis of the study was needed to determine if any changes to current recommendations to “eat lots of vegetables” are required.
Posted: 2022-03-10