Select a term to view the definition:
  • Salba®

    Professional Description:

    A gluten-free whole grain which is white in colour. It is obtained from the original herbaceous plant Salvia hispanica L., which is over 90 per cent black grain in colour and 10 per cent white grain (1). Salvia hispanica L. is also known as chia.

  • Salt Sensitivity

    Professional Description:

    Salt sensitivity is expressed as either the reduction in blood pressure in response to a lower salt intake or the rise in blood pressure in response to sodium loading. Salt sensitivity differs among subgroups of the population and among individuals within a subgroup.

  • Sarcopenia

    Professional Description:

    Sarcopenia refers to a decline in muscle mass and strength.

  • Sarcopenic Obesity

    Professional Description:

    Sarcopenic obesity refers to a combination of sarcopenia and excess body fat.

  • Screening Administrator

    Professional Description:

    Any person who assists in the process of administering and collecting information related to the administration of your screening initiative. This includes collection of the nutritional risk data, demographic information and potentially data for evaluation.

  • Seafood

    Professional Description:

    Any edible animal obtained from the sea, including fish, crustaceans, and molluscs.

  • Secondary Cardiovascular Disease Prevention

    Professional Description:

    Application of interventions to prevent the progression of cardiovascular disease in individuals with a history of CVD and individuals at high CVD risk (as determined by Cardiovascular Risk Assessment) or those with metabolic syndrome presenting with a constellation of risk factors including abdominal obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia and/or impaired glucose tolerance. To view Cardiovascular Risk Assessment, use the PEN search function.

  • Secondary lactase deficiency

    Professional Description:

    A lactase deficiency that results from small intestinal injury including acute chemotherapy, gastroenteritis, persistent diarrhea or small bowel overgrowth.

  • Selection bias

    Professional Description:

    Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. National Institutes of Health (NIH): National Cancer Institute (NCI). NCI Dictionaries. Selection bias. [cited 2021 Aug 19]

  • Self monitoring

    Professional Description:

    Keeping detailed records of situations where unhealthy behaviours occur. Details of the precipitants, consequences and moderating factors are recorded and analyzed to determine goals for change.

  • Sensitivity

    Professional Description:

    The sensitivity of a scale or index refers to the statistical likelihood that it will correctly identify individuals with the condition of interest. In the case of nutritional screening, the higher the sensitivity of the index the more likely it will correctly identify individuals who are genuinely "at risk". If an index is 100% sensitive there would be no false negatives.

    Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Section 2: Morbidity frequency measures. In Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health Practice. 3rd Edition. 2012. Available from: https://www.cdc.gov/csels/dsepd/ss1978/lesson3/section2.html
    Last JM. A dictionary of epidemiology. 4th Edition. New York: Oxford University Press; 2001.

  • Severe Hypoglycemia

    Professional Description:

    Associated with need for assistance to treat and BG level < 2.8 mmol/L.

  • Severe Pre-eclampsia

    Professional Description:

    Blood pressure: 160 mm Hg or higher systolic or 110 mm Hg or higher diastolic on two occasions at least 6 hours apart in a woman on bed rest / Proteinuria: 5 g or higher in a 24-hour urine collection or 3+ on urine dipstick testing of two random urine samples collected at least 4 hours apart / Other features: oliguria (less than 500 mL in 24 hours), cerebral or visual disturbances, pulmonary edema or cyanosis, epigastric or right upper-quadrant pain, elevated liver enzymes, thrombocytopenia, or intrauterine growth restriction.

  • Short chain fatty acids

    Professional Description:

    End product of bacterial hydrolysis and fermentation of complex carbohydrate that reaches the colon.

  • sick quitter bias

    Professional Description:

    The sick quitter bias occurs when studies examining potentially hazardous lifestyle habits do not differentiate between participants who have abstained from the habit over their lifetime and participants who used to partake but have since abstained due to illness.

    Reference: Visontay R, Sunderland M, Slade T, Wilson J, Mewton L. Are there non-linear relationships between alcohol consumption and long-term health?: a systematic review of observational studies employing approaches to improve causal inference. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2022 Jan 14;22(1):16. doi: 10.1186/s12874-021-01486-5. PMID: 35027007; PMCID: PMC8759175.

  • Sickle Cell Trait

    Professional Description:

    Sickle cell trait is when an individual inherits a normal Hb gene (from one parent) and a sickle cell Hb gene Hb S (from their other parent) and rarely have symptoms.

    Source: Braunstein EM. Thalassemias. Merck Manuals, 2020 Sep. Available from: https://www.merckmanuals.com/en-ca/professional/hematology-and-oncology/anemias-caused-by-hemolysis/thalassemias

  • Single Nucleotide Polymorphism

    Professional Description:

    A genetic variation caused by a change in a single DNA nucleotide; most of the variation among individuals results from SNPs. The number of different SNPs in the human population is thought to be 6 million.

  • Sizeism

    Professional Description:

    Sizeism is being discriminated against because of one’s body size (height or weight).

  • Skin exposure

    Professional Description:

    means exposure of skin, face and arms or an equivalent surface area of skin. The time involved is five to 15 minutes per day in summer months for people with light skin colour.

  • Skin Prick Test

    Professional Description:

    The skin test is designed to detect any IgE that has been made by the immune system in a previous response to the allergen. A drop of commercial allergen extract is placed onto the surface and the skin underneath is pricked with a lancet.

  • Skin rash

    Professional Description:

    A lay term for a skin eruption.

  • Skin testing

    Professional Description:

    The skin test is a method of measuring the patient's level of IgE antibodies to specific allergens. Using diluted solutions of specific allergens, the physician either injects the patient with the solutions (intradermal test), or scratches (scratch test) or pricks the skin with a sharp lancet (prick test) through the allergen drop. A positive reaction appears as a small raised area surrounded by a flat red area on the skin (the wheal and flare reaction). A positive reaction to the skin test, especially with food allergens, does not always mean that the patient is will develop symptoms when the food is eaten.

  • Slow release

    Professional Description:

    When a vitamin or mineral has a time-release factor, it means that the ingredients have been scientifically coated and calibrated in tiny "memory granules" that are released over a period of 2-6 hours. The advantage of time release is it gives the body the vitamin or mineral gradually instead of all at one time.

  • Social Desirability Bias

    Professional Description:

    "Study participants misrepresent their responses in the direction of answers consistent with prevailing social norms or socially desirable behavior rather than their true feelings."

    Source: Grimm P. Social desirability bias. Wiley International Encyclopedia of Marketing; 2010. Available from: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9781444316568.wiem02057/references.

  • Social Justice

    Professional Description:

    Social justice is having equal distribution of personal opportunities and social privileges.

  • Social Marketing

    Professional Description:

    the application of commercial marketing concepts and techniques to target populations to achieve the goal of positive social change.

  • Soiling

    Professional Description:

    involuntary passage of stool into places, and at times, that are socially inappropriate. It is often associated with fecal impaction.

  • Soluble Fibre

    Professional Description:

    Soluble fiber attracts water and turns to gel during digestion which slows digestion. Soluble fiber is found in oat bran, barley, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, peas, and some fruits and vegetables.

  • Sorbitol

    Professional Description:

    A sugar alcohol that is found naturally in some fruit and is used as a low-calorie sweetener by the food industry.

    Source: MedlinePlus Medical Dictionary. Sorbitol. [cited October 25, 2020]. Available from: http://c.merriam-webster.com/medlineplus/sorbitol

  • Specificity

    Professional Description:

    The specificity of a scale or index refers to the statistical likelihood that it will correctly identify individuals who do not have the condition of interest. In the case of nutritional screening, the higher the specificity of the index the more likely it will correctly identify individuals who are genuinely not "at risk". If an index is 100% specific there would be no false positives.

  • Spermatozoa

    Professional Description:

    The male gamete or sex cell that contains the genetic information to be transmitted by the male and is able to effect zygosis with an oocyte.

  • Splinter hemorrhage

    Professional Description:

    Multiple tiny longitudinal subungual hemorrhages under a finger or a toenail.

  • Sputum

    Professional Description:

    Mucus and other matter that is brought up from the lungs by coughing.

  • Standard Deviation

    Professional Description:

    Standard deviation is the statistical measure of variability used in describing normal distribution.

  • Status asthmaticus

    Professional Description:

    A particularly severe episode of asthma, usually requiring hospitalization, that does not respond adequately to ordinary therapeutic measures

  • Steatorrhea

    Professional Description:

    An abnormal amount of fat in the feces. Normal fecal fat excretion is ≤7 g/day. In CF, the treatment goal for steatorrhea is to attain a fecal fat excretion rate of <15 g/day. Steatorrhea is associated with an increased risk for malabsorption of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.

  • Steatotic liver disease

    Professional Description:

    An overarching term for hepatic steatosis identified by imaging or biopsy.

    Source: Rinella ME, Lazarus JV, Ratziu V, Francque SM, Sanyal AJ, Kanwal F, Romero D, Abdelmalek MF, Anstee QM, Arab JP, Arrese M, Bataller R, Beuers U, Boursier J, Bugianesi E, Byrne C, Castro Narro GE, Chowdhury A, Cortez-Pinto H, Cryer D, Cusi K, El-Kassas M, Klein S, Eskridge W, Fan J, Gawrieh S, Guy CD, Harrison SA, Kim SU, Koot B, Korenjak M, Kowdley K, Lacaille F, Loomba R, Mitchell-Thain R, Morgan TR, Powell E, Roden M, Romero-Gómez M, Silva M, Singh SP, Sookoian SC, Spearman CW, Tiniakos D, Valenti L, Vos MB, Wai-Sun Wong V, Xanthakos S, Yilmaz Y, Younossi Z, Hobbs A, Villota-Rivas M, Newsome PN; NAFLD Nomenclature consensus group. A multi-society Delphi consensus statement on new fatty liver disease nomenclature. J Hepatol. 2023 Jun 20:S0168-8278(23)00418-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2023.06.003. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37364790.

  • Stimulus control

    Professional Description:

    The process of identifying and modifying stimuli (e.g. situations, times, people, emotions) that elicit unhealthy eating behaviour.

  • Stomatitis

    Professional Description:

    Stomatitis is an inflammation of the mucosal lining of the mouth. There are many possible causes, including infections (bacterial, fungal, or viral), vitamin deficiencies, lead and mercury poisoning and local irritation or trauma (such as from cheek biting, or poorly fitting dentures). It can also be a side-effect of radiation or chemotherapy for cancer. Stomatitis generally resolves once the underlying cause is addressed.

  • Streptococci mutans

    Professional Description:

    The major contributor to tooth decay.

  • Stress Factor

    Professional Description:

    The measured energy expenditure divided by the predicted energy expenditure.

  • Stress ulcer

    Professional Description:

    Stress ulcers are multiple, superficial mucosal erosions, which may occasionally extend deeper into the submucosa of the upper gastrointestinal tract, mainly occurring in the fundus and body of the stomach. They develop after shock, sepsis and trauma and are often found in individuals with peritonitis and other chronic medical illness.

  • Success indicators

    Professional Description:

    Success indicators are measures that link directly to the success of a project.

  • Suggested Dietary Target

    Professional Description:

    "A daily average intake from food and beverages for certain nutrients that may help in prevention of chronic disease."

    Source: Nutrient Reference Values for Australia and New Zealand. Available from: https://www.nhmrc.gov.au/sites/default/files/images/Nutrient-reference-aus-nz-executive-summary.pdf

  • Summative evaluation

    Professional Description:

    Evaluation occurring at the end of learning experiences or programs. In the context of preceptoring, to assess student completion of learning activities and performance objectives.

  • Survey

    Professional Description:

    "Observational study that focuses on obtaining information about activities, beliefs, preferences, knowledge, or attitudes from respondents through interviewer-administered or self-administered methods."

    Source: JAMA evidence. American Medical Association; 2014 Jun. Available from: http://www.jamaevidence.com/glossary.

  • Susceptibility Genes

    Professional Description:

    Genes with functional variants that affect the causes of disease, they are routinely being identified for simple mendelian (inherited) diseases and more common genetic disorders.

  • Sustainable Diets

    Professional Description:

    Sustainable diets are broadly defined as: “diets with low environmental impacts which contribute to food and nutrition security and to healthy life for present and future generations… (and) are protective and respectful of biodiversity and ecosystems, culturally acceptable, accessible, economically fair and affordable; nutritionally adequate, safe and healthy; while optimizing natural and human resources.”

    Burlingame B, Dernini S. Sustainable diets and biodiversity – directions and solutions for policy, research and action. FAO. 2010. Available from:

  • Synbiotic

    Professional Description:

    “a mixture comprising live microorganisms and substrate(s) selectively utilized by host microorganisms that confers a health benefit on the host”.

    Source: https://www.gutmicrobiotaforhealth.com/a-panel-of-experts-provide-guidance-regarding-appropriate-use-and-scope-of-the-term-synbiotic/?utm_source=Gut+Microbiota+For+Health+-+RP&utm_campaign=7c013931cd-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_07_26_02_08_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_9a41aba3d5-7c013931cd-128363525

  • Synovial fluid

    Professional Description:

    Clear viscid lubricating fluid of the joint, bursae, and tendon sheaths, secreted by the synovial membrane of a joint. It contains mucin, albumin, fat, and electrolytes.

  • Synovitis

    Professional Description:

    An inflammation of a synovial membrane, which is a layer of connective tissue that lines a joint, such as a hip, knee or shoulder.

  • Systematic Review

    Professional Description:

    “the identification, selection, appraisal and summary of primary studies that address a focused clinical question using methods to reduce the likelihood of bias.”

    Source: JAMAevidence. JAMAevidence glossary. American Medical Association; 2021.

  • Systolic Blood Pressure

    Professional Description:

    Blood pressure is a measurement of the force applied to the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps blood through the body. The pressure is determined by the force and amount of blood pumped, and the size and flexibility of the arteries. Blood pressure readings are usually given as 2 numbers: for example, 110 over 70 (written as 110/70). The first number is the systolic blood pressure reading, and it represents the maximum pressure exerted when the heart contracts. The second number is the diastolic blood pressure reading, and it represents the pressure in the arteries when the heart is at rest.